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Hogwarts Legacy Review

Great Harry Potter game, bad RPG

Time spent with the game: 33h on PS5

Previous experience with the franchise: seen all the movies, never played a Harry Potter game, however this is a standalone game


Who is it for:

Harry Potter fans, people looking for a wizard/ fantasy game


Who should avoid this game:

gamers looking for a deep RPG experience


Hogwarts Legacy is Portkey Games first mayor Triple A release. And right of the bat I have to say it’s a pretty good one. For die-hard Harry Potter fans, this game grants your deepest desire to step foot into the extraordinary world of Hogwarts and its enchanting surroundings. While the legendary castle may not mirror its film counterpart, this deviation proves to be the game's greatest strength, offering a mesmerizing and captivating version of Hogwarts that begs to be explored.



A regular playthrough, accompanied by some exploration, will occupy your time for around 30 to 40 hours, while completionists can revel in a staggering 60 to 80. But here is the first mayor flaw of the game in my opinion: highly repetitive side content. Many of the side quests fail to leave a lasting impression, and collectibles can become more of a chore than anything else. For instance, the "Merlin trials" collectibles, initially intriguing puzzles scattered throughout the whole map, eventually transform into wearisome tasks as there are a total of 95 of them. In this case, more does not necessarily equate to better. Nonetheless, the open world itself adheres to the expectations of modern-day open-world games, delivering an experience that may not astound, but still holds its own. Nevertheless, the world of Hogwarts Legacy remains a captivating realm that rewards exploration. It’s especially stunning while flying across the map on a broomstick.


RPG mechanics

Now, let's delve into the realm of RPG mechanics, which present another point of contention. While you can discover and acquire new gear of increasing rarity and power, as well as apply various perks, the benefits prove disappointingly minor, limiting your ability to shape your character to your liking. Furthermore, the absence of impactful story choices, a crucial element in any true RPG experience, leaves a noticeable void. Regrettably, the game fails to adapt to your choices, which is disheartening considering the initial promise that you could even embrace the dark side. If not for its RPG label, Hogwarts Legacy could easily be categorized as an action game with light RPG elements.



Thankfully, combat within the game offers a redeeming aspect, providing a mostly enjoyable and fluid experience. While the absence of true character specialization hampers the ability to create a unique playstyle, the battles remain engaging. Creative combat interactions, such as countering specific enemies with particular spells, add an element of excitement.



Regarding the story, one could describe it as decent—unlikely to create waves in the video game industry but sufficient to keep you entertained throughout your journey. What truly sets this game apart is the overwhelming sensation of being immersed in the wizarding world, that particularly resonates with Harry Potter enthusiasts


What to expect

Despite its RPG label, it is more fitting to view it as a third-person action open-world game with light RPG elements. As a fifth-year student entering Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you will be thrown into a pretty big open world in and around Hogwarts. Engage in a multitude of activities, attend classes, and discover the world around Hogwarts.


The good:

-          Very authentic wizard world

-          Graphicly very appealing

-          Fluid and entertaining combat


The bad:

-          Very lack luster RPG mechanics

-          Bloated side content


The ugly:

Even though you get the full package and the game is definitely worth the money, as always, I want to mention the DLC. Although it gives you only cosmetics for $20, I really don’t see how this should be in a single player triple A game.



I recommend Hogwarts Legacay, especially for fans of the Franchise

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